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育碧׃软g 动画技术ȝ
发布旉Q?018-03-07  览ơ数Q?script type="text/javascript" src="../i_read.aspx?c=n&d=219">  来源Q管理员
育碧׃软g公司(Ubisoft Entertainment)是一家跨国的游戏制作、发行和代销商。作为多媒体工业的佼D,其广泛的业务Ex扩展Q在和各老牌游戏公司合作的基上,也在不断推出独特的品,加强自己在国际市Z的媄响力?/span>

其中优秀的作品有《雷曹{?Rayman)、《刺客信条》系?Assassins Creed)、《L斯王子?Prince of Persia)、《细?yu)分裂》(Tom Clancys Splinter CellQ、《彩虹六受系列(Tom Clancys Rainbow SixQ、《看门狗》系列(Watch DogsQ等?

育碧中国 动画技术ȝ

Animation Technical Director 动画技术ȝ

Job Summary:

The Animation Technical Director is the one to ensure the quality of the technical contents produced by his working unit. The incumbent must optimize his team productivity through the pipeline processes, meanwhile, considering the online users?needs. This Director will also have to carry out his tasks adequately by determining the project needs, implementing the effective tools and methods to maximize the data integration into the game engine, and providing all technical supports.


- Create tools, scripts and shaders that enhance production workflow and the art pipeline.

- Work collaboratively with the artists and engineers, understand the requirements and needs of the efficient workflows for production, and stay within the engine budgets.

- Work closely with the Art Director for the matching visual style of the game.

- Animate and create Motion Editing within a complex animation system.

- Provide knowledge and solutions for complex rigging, animation and shading pipeline problems.

- Define technical needs; carry out the design & artistic creative visions by validating the game features, challenging the interpretation and assessing the technical feasibilities.

- Acquire the best internal and external tools. Work with the programmers and project Technical Directors to enhance and facilitate the work by prototyping technological elements, adjusting existing tools, requesting new tools, validating the effectiveness of the tools provided with before they are deployed on the project.

- Standardize the best work methods and data structure (data and assets), ensure the validity and integrity of the data (meet standards and minimize debugging) by drafting pipeline documents, setting out common classification system, trainings, coaching and supervising processes users.

- Remain informed of new technical and technological developments and able to apply them on the project when needed.

- Able to balance the compromise between quality objectives and delivery constraints (time, costs, resources, etc.).

- Contribute to the selection of external tools (engine, plug-in, E-confluence, etc.), assess the existing tools, helping design and test new tools.


- 5 years of relevant working experience in video game animation.

- Motion Builder working experience is a MUST.

- Able to work with the complex animation systems and state machines.

- Solid personal portfolio, good artistic sense in animation. Self-motivated.

- Team player, user focused. Good communication skills, functional English proficiency.

- Experienced in the entire game production circle, a problem solver.

- Extensive scripting knowledge with Python, Mel and/or Max script.

- Working knowledge of 3DSMAX, Maya, and/or other commercial 3D authoring packages.

- Able to keep contents and assets within the current projects art style and work within those limitations.

- A keen eye for motion and animation, capability for stress and changes.


奇天插画学校 武汉插画培训 原画培训 商业插画培训 成h插画培训 手绘插画培训 游戏原画培训 插画原画教程
地址Q武汉市z山区广八\林?楼奇天CG学院Q广埠屯地铁K出口武汉大学信息部对面)  ?sh)话Q?27-67865919Q?8040515575(同微?马老师
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鄂ICP?2012438?1 ;武汉奇天动O插画有限公司 版权所? 癑ֺ地图 | |站地图  
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