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育碧׃软g 资深手游3D术?/div>
发布旉Q?018-03-07  览ơ数Q?script type="text/javascript" src="../i_read.aspx?c=n&d=218">  来源Q管理员

育碧׃软g公司(Ubisoft Entertainment)是一家跨国的游戏制作、发行和代销商。作为多媒体工业的佼D,其广泛的业务Ex扩展Q在和各老牌游戏公司合作的基上,也在不断推出独特的品,加强自己在国际市Z的媄响力?/span>

其中优秀的作品有《雷曹{?Rayman)、《刺客信条》系?Assassins Creed)、《L斯王子?Prince of Persia)、《细?yu)分裂》(Tom Clancys Splinter CellQ、《彩虹六受系列(Tom Clancys Rainbow SixQ、《看门狗》系列(Watch DogsQ等?

Senior 3D Artist(Mobile) 资深手游3D术?


Modeling 3D environments and creating textures for different kinds of mobile game


- Modeling 3D environments optimized for mobile devices

- Creating textures in different resolutions for specific devices

- Follow directive, art work and concept art provided

- Apply and maintain a consistent art style throughout the assets of the entire project

- Adapting to various game styles (realistic, cartoon, pixel, etc.)

- Communicate in technical manner for programmer implementation of assets, shaders and elements

- Work with the Programming Team to ensure the implementation matching the intention

Essential Skills & Experience:

- At least 6 years working experience in Mobile game

- Strong skills in 3DS Max, proficient with Photoshop

- Good drawing skills. Excellent eye for color, shape and composition

- Understanding of the game development process

- Knowledge of mobile art techniques for advanced optimization

- Passion for the industry and an understanding of market trends and styles

- Ability to work well with a team, but also organized and independent

- Ability to understand technical implementations and limitations

- Being capable of self-management, accurately estimating time to complete tasks, giving realistic, achievable timescales and managing priorities to meet deadlines


奇天插画学校 武汉插画培训 原画培训 商业插画培训 成h插画培训 手绘插画培训 游戏原画培训 插画原画教程
地址Q武汉市z山区广八\林?楼奇天CG学院Q广埠屯地铁K出口武汉大学信息部对面)  ?sh)话Q?27-67865919Q?8040515575(同微?马老师
QQQ?861586933Q?8032143  |址Qhttp://3816498.com
鄂ICP?2012438?1 ;武汉奇天动O插画有限公司 版权所? 癑ֺ地图 | |站地图  
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